Full of anticipation, we want to invite you to a very 'hot' workshop.

In cooperation with the noble knights of the laser cut, the intrepid men of "Rausgebrannt" and with today's probably most exciting producers of fine paper - "Fedrigoni" from bella Italia, we will take you into the hot world of paper finishing by laser engraving and laser cut. We will not only present you the many uses of this technology, but also offer you the opportunity to use the lightsaber yourself after a short crash course.
We guarantee:
Each participant will be able to walk home with his very own individually lasered Fedrigoni personal notebook.
Without having to burn too much money - the costs for this workshop are only laser-sharply calculated 20 EUR!

When: Saturday 28. 02. 2015, 2pm (duration about 4 hours)
Where: Supersense, Praterstraße 70, 1020 Wien
Costs: 20 EUR inkl. your personalised Fedrigoni notebook
limited number of participants - Please make your reservation with Sarah